Hacks for Building a Strong Real Estate Network

Hacks for Building a Strong Real Estate Network

Getting into the real estate industry needs a lot of hard work. No matter what profession you are though, having a network is a very important aspect. It gets even more important when you work in real estate since you not only need clients but also need to keep up with the current market. So for those who have just started out or even just want to expand their circles, here are some hacks for building a strong real estate network. 

Social Media:

Social Media has been one of the biggest helpers of the corporate world. It may sound wrong because isn’t social media supposed to be used for fun and is mostly a younger people centric concept? Even though this might have been true many years back when social media was just introduced to the world, the whole concept changed when this same generation grew up and started using the full potential of social media. 

Using social media to meet new people always existed but only blew up as a concept to promote your business during the COVID-19 lockdown. This is when extroverted businesspeople were restricted and had to resort to other ways of connecting with people. This became a new use of social media and people could build a network online. 

Using apps like Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, Quora, LinkedIn, and Facebook will give you a platform to promote your business as well as find like minded people who you would like to connect with. These apps also allow you to make collaborations with other businesses and influencers. 

Seminars and Conferences:

The real estate industry holds plenty of seminars and conferences in order to network with others in the industry. Holding or attending one of these is beneficial since you not only can find new people in the industry but also find out what’s happening in the industry. 

Conferences are a good way to discuss the industry especially if you are new. There is a lot to learn through seminars as well, which is one of the reasons why they are held. Turning your discussions into promotions with different professionals in the industry is one way to expand your network.


Human beings are social animals. Everyone likes to know people in places. If you live in a neighbourhood, you have a chance to be the person people know. This means that if you socialise enough, people will remember you when one of their friends are in need of your skills.

Getting your presence known is an important aspect if you are a real estate professional. People who know what you do are more likely to refer you to their circles. 

Host parties and offer help to your neighbours in order to expand your circle. Even though it sounds like social life advice, it will actually also promote your career. 


Volunteering in your free time can give you a chance to meet very different kinds of people. The real estate industry too holds many organisations where you can volunteer to expand your presence and thus your network. Meeting new people is always a plus point in any profession. Volunteering has a positive impact on your name as well so if you are interested in helping the community, you can offer your thoughts and ideas to the group. 


When you enter the real estate field, there is a lot of scope to network with all kinds of people. There are a plethora of benefits to expanding your network. You find out about the current trends and market in the industry, you get advice from people who are at higher positions, you can help out the newer entrepreneurs, and you get business opportunities. So if you have a chance of networking through whatever medium, always take it.